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If you would like to be married in the Church then we would love to welcome you. To be married in the UK you must be over 18 years of age, or 16 with your parents consent.

Renewal of Marriage Vows
Sometimes couples who have been married for some time also appreciate a  Service for the Renewal of Marriage Vows, to give thanks for their marriage. The Rector will be happy to discuss your special arrangements with you. 

For some time many Churches have also welcomed people who are divorced to be married in Church.

What do I do First?  - Call the Parish Office
Let us know your good news as soon as you can and we can help plan the wedding.  Do not make any other booking until you have spoken to Sarah in the Parish Office to confirm that the Church and the Rector are available on your chosen date. The Rector will be as flexible as possible to try and facilitate your wedding. Weddings can take place on any day of the week Monday to Saturday. To be legal the wedding must just take place between 8am and 6pm.  You will find a booking form at the back of this booklet. You can fill this form in and return it to the Parish Office.

What do I do Second? - Fill in a Marriage Notice Form
By law, each party to a proposed marriage is required to complete a Marriage Notice Form. The form can also be obtained from any Registrar’s Office. The Rector performing the ceremony must also complete the relevant section of each form to confirm that he/she is willing to perform the ceremony.

It is important to understand that by signing the notice you are making a declaration that the information given on the notice is correct. As a safeguard against bigamous marriages, a subsequent check of the information may be made by the General Registrar Office for Northern Ireland.

When the Registrar is satisfied that there is no legal impediment to the marriage, a Marriage Schedule will be prepared from the information on the Marriage Notice Form.

Marriage Schedule
No marriage can proceed without the Marriage Schedule. The Marriage Schedule will be issued to either party by the Registrar. The Schedule cannot be issued more than fourteen days before the marriage and the Registrar will advise you when the Marriage Schedule can be collected. The Schedule cannot be collected on your behalf by a relative or friend, the Registrar will issue it only to the prospective bride or bridegroom who will have to sign for it. The Marriage Schedule must be produced before the marriage ceremony to the person performing the marriage. Immediately after the ceremony, the schedule must be signed by both parties, by the person performing the marriage and by the two witnesses. The bride should sign in her maiden name. The Marriage Schedule should be returned to the Registrar within three days from the date of marriage. It may be returned in person or by post.

Honeymoon and Passports
Brides may have their passport in their new name prior to the wedding. This is also advisable if travelling to some countries! Collect a form PD2 from the post office and bring it to the Rector to sign.

The Big Day
Your Rector will do all he can to make the day a personal, meaningful and  spiritual experience for you and your guests.

For more information contact the Parish Office

Parish Office
(028) 71349348

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